As we wait patiently to welcome you back to our hotel once again, we wish to state that your safety & well-being is our highest priority. In order to ensure that our hotel keeps you well protected, we have a list of stringent safety protocols which have been implemented across our properties. Our safety protocols · Development of new Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) for each department concentrating on enhancing the operation, cleaning and sanitation to minimize the risk of exposure to COVID
Memorable Culinary Experience in “Sri Lanka”
Culinary tourism is also known as “food tourism” and it is recognized as one of the vital components to enhance the tourism experience of culinary travelers around the globe. Sri Lanka has unique food cultures and spicy food behaviors that are loved by many travelers. Nowadays visitors do not hesitate to change the standard Travel itinerary to explore Sri Lankan culinary adventure before their departure. There is a number of culinary tours such as cooking demonstrations, tours of restaurants, food
Sri Lanka As a Medical Tourist Hub
Over the past decade, it is found that our life expectancy has increased due to the development in healthcare technology which plays a major role in the present tourism industry. What is health?? World Health Organization defines Health is a state of complete physical, mental & social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. This implies that health is an asset to help and support a person’s function in an extensive society. A healthy lifestyle gives a way to lead a